Door selection is a very important step when you plan to arrange your home, because both the interior and exterior doors must be selected according to certain functional (first) and decorative criteria. The wooden door comes with many facilities, referring to both criteria.
As winter is coming, many of us face the problem of thermal insulation of homes. If the house doen’t have a suitable door, we have to pay additional amounts for maintenance. And that’s because the general tendency is to choose doors and windows for aesthetics, and not for functionality … aa, and because they are more advantageous considering the financial criterion. Wooden doors, for example, are a choice more than wise.
A quality door means, first of all, that one that manages to keep the heat of a home through the materials used for its construction and arrangement. The wooden door has a major advantage in this chapter, considering that wood is a material that prevents the transfer of temperature through it.
Also, before buying a door, we need to pay close attention to its ability to withstand the adverse environmental conditions in time. Taking into account all the variations of the wood, a laminated wooden door, properly maintained, can withstand even up to 50 years … some would even say 100. The overlapping of different essences and the perpendicular orientation of the fiber are the two characteristics that clearly differentiate laminated wood door from solid wooden door on the above mentioned criterion.
However, I can’t overlook the importance of designing a wooden door. This is because, besides functionality, an exterior door has an aesthetic role. Wood is a special material which is very advantageous from this point of view. And, in addition, wood can have a variety of nuances, due to manufacturing technologies that have increased considerably over the last decade. Luminous shades (turquoise, cobalt, yellow and red) have gained popularity lately.
Besides this, wood is a versatile and classic material that blends nicely in any decor, plus you can change its appearance without problems, considering that there are plenty of oils and special paints that will give your home new look.
I’m not saying that the wooden door is the best choice, but I can say that it’s definitely a profitable choice in terms of: durability, quality, design. And anyway, the wood has its charm, which no other material can get it … wood means life.
This article was presented by, one of the biggest European B2B timber market, with thousands of offers and demands for wood and wooden products (including wooden doors).