Industrial style furniture
Специализирани машини за дървообработване от Гърция
Revolution in matte surfaces with EVOSOFT in Kastamonu

Ideas for perfect kitchen by Kessebohmer

Selecting the right solutions for interior and kitchen are essential for homes, offices, restaurants, hotels and shops. A major difficulty of each owner is how to make the right choices; and this can only happen in places that provide a comprehensive list of products. At this year’s Technomebel exhibition there will be offered a number of concepts, including those by “Salex”.

At its booth “Salex” will offer the right ideas for the kitchen – mechanisms by Kessebohmer – Germany, creating new redistribution in the kitchen for a comprehensive ergonomics and comfort. Among them comes Climber – beautiful and stylish, with gleaming glass. Upon touching lower bottom, the gleaming glass panels smoothly glide upward until they reach the upper end of the cabinet.

The product Convoy gains customer interest with its clear and open approach. This is a “do-it-yourself” storage system, it is a multi-functional – for the kitchen, dining room and office. No need to be fastened to the door, which makes it suitable for many designs and applications, such as systems with sliding doors, while simultaneously providing clear visibility of all the content – as a virtual “presentation” to the user.

The Tandem product creates perfect neatness when arranging at the discretion of the customer. The system has a wide range of products set in a minimum of space. Features automatic download of rear baskets, it is designed for single and double cabinets.