Industrial style furniture
Специализирани машини за дървообработване от Гърция
Revolution in matte surfaces with EVOSOFT in Kastamonu

AntiSlide solves the slipping problem

Every wet surface we step on creates real preconditions for falls and injuries. But as we know, every problem has its solution. The danger of falling can be prevented by the AntiSlide product, which PS Bulgaria-Lux will offer to all visitors of the World of Furniture exhibition.

The product is designed to permanently solve the slipping problem after washing the flooring in the office or at home. The innovative solution works through quartz reacting with the silicates on the floor. It causes the formation of small invisible pores guaranteeing safe movement. “AntiSlide” leaves the floor look almost unchanged as an optical effect. The surface can be used immediately after treatment with the product.

“AntiSlide” can be used as a durable solution for the home and office, the swimming pool, steam bath, garage, hotel, restaurant, hospitals and more.

PS Bulgaria-Lux products can be found in Hall 5, Stand A7a.