От 18 до 21 февруари: ЕКСПОМЕБЕЛ отваря врати за сектора на обзавеждането, интериора и дизайна
21 100 души посетиха изложенията на мебелната и дървообработващата промишленост, строителството и едрата строителна техника през април 
Зам.-министрите на икономиката, Давид Сукалински, и на земеделието и храните - Мирослав Маринов, откриха ТЕХНОМЕБЕЛ 2024

New dates for Technomebel 2020


By the virtue of a Decision taken on an emergency meeting of the Council of Ministers dated March 8th this year and an Ordinance of the Minister of Health, due to the spread of Covid-19 on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria, the mass indoor events have been suspended.

We, at Inter Expo Center, are mainly concerned for the welfare of our employees, our exhibitors and the potential visitors to all events on the territory of the exhibition complex. Following the above stated we have undertaken all recommended hygiene and disinfection precautions on the territory of Inter Expo Center – Sofia, which will be applied for all our events.


In view of all these circumstances, imposed by the current conditions, Inter Expo Center announces new dates for TECHNOMEBEL 2020, namely September 29 – October 02, 2020.