Industrial style furniture

Оffice desks, workstations and decorative panels Metal Design S Ltd. has established itself as a preferred and reliable manufacturer of industrial-style metal structures and furniture. The company has expanded its product range of metal legs and bases for dining and living room tables, offering design and production of office furniture: standardized office desks and workstations […]

Revolution in matte surfaces with EVOSOFT in Kastamonu

“Този тип повърхности набират популярност, защото поддържат чистота и визуална привлекателност на различни типове повърхности”, коментират експертите

New dates for Technomebel 2020

By the virtue of a Decision taken on an emergency meeting of the Council of Ministers dated March 8th this year and an Ordinance of the Minister of Health, due to the spread of Covid-19 on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria, the mass indoor events have been suspended. We, at Inter Expo Center, are mainly […]